Move away from trading time for money.

One single decision.

There was one business decision I made that literally changed everything. 🙌

I was travelling in Japan for the first time. 

I hated the high prices there and I asked myself: How can I stop trading time for money? 

At the time, I was based in Bali, Indonesia and was teaching English online. 

I couldn’t really call it a business - rather a modest source of income. 

But since I had done it for a while, I had a small following in my niche market. 


I remember sitting at my notebook, staring at the question: How can I stop trading time for money?

(And be able to afford all the adventures that Japan has to offer).


✍️ And then, without much thinking, I wrote:

1. A membership site.

2. Multiple teachers.

3. Community.


I decided to get this done by the time I had left Osaka to head back for Bali (I had about a week).

1. I threw a quick landing page together.

2. Set up a payment system.

3. And emailed my small database.


20 people signed up immediately.

Now, it was starting to look like a business. 


💼 It then took me 4 years to actually turn it into a business, where I built:

1. A community of 1,000 learners.

2. 7 team members.

3. A bunch of teachers.

4. Multiple products.

5. Systems and processes.


This then freed me up to work with multi-million dollar companies in Asia and learn how to tell compelling brand stories for them (which soon appeared to be another business-in-the-making).


It also freed me up to start building my Personal Growth Curriculum (which included voice classes, samurai classes, training etc. - you can read here more about how to build a Personal Growth Curriculum).


And it was down to a single decision to set up a membership site and move away from trading time for money. 

The next time I was back in Japan was to train as a samurai and fully indulge in what the country had to offer.


How can you stop trading your time for money today? 


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Two Step

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