

Move away from trading time for money.

One single decision.

There was one business decision I made that literally changed everything. 

I was travelling in Japan for the first time. 

I hated the high prices there and I asked myself: How can I stop trading time for money? 

At the time, I was based in Bali, Indonesia and was teaching English online. 

I couldn’t really call it a business - rather a modest source of income. 

But since I had done it for a while, I had a small following in my niche market. 


I remember sitting at my notebook, staring at the question: How can I stop trading time for money?

(And be able to afford all the adventures that Japan has to offer).


And then, without much thinking, I wrote:

1. A membership site.

2. Multiple teachers.

3. Community.


I decided to get this done by the time I had left Osaka to head back for Bali (I had about a week).

1. I threw a quick landing page together.

2. Set up a payment system.

3. And emailed my small database.


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How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?

How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?
On Sunday I sent out an email to my list, where I share how to build a Personal Growth Curriculum (PGC).
It is a FREE 15-minute mini-course to help you shape your own learning on a daily basis and achieve extraordinary things. (Whether it’s a life in a paradise island, thriving enterprise or better relationship.)
In the PGC, I break down my own learning process, which includes the list of my mentors, books and most unusual disciplines I study, as well as offer journaling frameworks for you to build your own.
(And yes, it's free and it comes in the shape of an article).
(And yes, I like to post vibrant photos of myself but in truth, I'm a closeted geek - hence, this PGC mini-course.)
If you want me to send it over to you, just sign up here and my awesome team will do it ASAP: 
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Write to break the mirror.


What if you could break the mirror through writing, and take charge of your mind?

The Growth Journal Membership is still on, and it's still not too late to join as a founding member!

During our first workshop, we explored unique journaling techniques and frameworks, and:

  • Learnt the Growth Journal foundations
  • Mastered techniques to zone out the noise and hear yourself
  • Used the samurai principle of Inner Axis to take charge of your life
  • Started consciously shaping both your present and future


We are still in the second stage of its pre-launch, where you can get your annual/monthly memberships at 20% OFF if you join by 25th September.

You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 of our first workshop immediately after joining - or even the session in its entirety

Are you joining?

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Why should you develop a journaling habit?


What is the significance and purpose of keeping a journal? What goals do they accomplish?

I met up with Dr Lance Alan Box, completer of 115 journals in 40 years, as he looks back on what he has achieved through day-to-day journaling. He also shares with us various tips and techniques that could help you to: 

  • Track your growth through journaling
  • Develop the journaling habit
  • Practice the Two Journal and Scribbles Sheet method


More about Dr Lance:

He lives in Darwin, Australia and his purpose is Quality Education. He is in pursuit of the mission to see Fingerprint-Individualized Learning Portals become the new norm in the education space.


Tune in to my interview with Dr Lance Alan Box, and watch the full conversation in our Growth Writing Facebook page here!


Also, the Growth Journal Membership's first LIVE workshop commences 3rd September!

Click on this link for more information. You can also...

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