

How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?

How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?
On Sunday I sent out an email to my list, where I share how to build a Personal Growth Curriculum (PGC).
It is a FREE 15-minute mini-course to help you shape your own learning on a daily basis and achieve extraordinary things. (Whether it’s a life in a paradise island, thriving enterprise or better relationship.)
In the PGC, I break down my own learning process, which includes the list of my mentors, books and most unusual disciplines I study, as well as offer journaling frameworks for you to build your own.
(And yes, it's free and it comes in the shape of an article).
(And yes, I like to post vibrant photos of myself but in truth, I'm a closeted geek - hence, this PGC mini-course.)
If you want me to send it over to you, just sign up here and my awesome team will do it ASAP: 
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Knowledge vs. Experience vs. Feeling

Knowledge is rarely exclusive. You can get it on Google.

Many are keen to share their knowledge and ‘the one who knows’ is often mistakenly seen as an expert.

However, stronger than knowledge is experience.

What’s experience?

Simply put: it’s knowledge in action.

Fewer are able to share it but those that can are true experts.

Above knowledge and experience, however, is feeling -  the feeling of knowing and doing.

Nothing preserves, locks in and grounds knowledge and experience better than feeling.

It is through feeling our way through facts, ideas and actions that we register and cement them on a subconscious level.

This is particularly important to know when choosing a mentor - in business, spirituality, psychology or any other field:

How deep is their knowledge?

Have they experienced what they know?

Have they felt it?

You can learn more about the difference between the three here.

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