

How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?

How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?
On Sunday I sent out an email to my list, where I share how to build a Personal Growth Curriculum (PGC).
It is a FREE 15-minute mini-course to help you shape your own learning on a daily basis and achieve extraordinary things. (Whether it’s a life in a paradise island, thriving enterprise or better relationship.)
In the PGC, I break down my own learning process, which includes the list of my mentors, books and most unusual disciplines I study, as well as offer journaling frameworks for you to build your own.
(And yes, it's free and it comes in the shape of an article).
(And yes, I like to post vibrant photos of myself but in truth, I'm a closeted geek - hence, this PGC mini-course.)
If you want me to send it over to you, just sign up here and my awesome team will do it ASAP: 
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How can you challenge and upgrade your thinking regularly?

I have just completed a trekking in Himalayas and am spending a couple of weeks in Leh, an ancient Buddhist town of India. 

There was something about my Himalayan experience that corresponded to the samurai training I did in Japan half a year ago.

Both - the samurai training and the Himalayas trekking - have challenged my body and mind in ways that I hadn’t experienced before.

'You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain,' writes one of the most revered samurai, Miyamoto Musashi, in the Book of 5 Rings.

When climbing a Himalayan peak or hours on end practising foundational sword moves in Japanese mountains, my mind had given up on trying to rationalise the unfamiliar experience and ceased its tireless stream of thinking.

And in that moment of no thought, there was a space for 'nothingness' to arise, or as Musashi calls it, the Void - the 5th element in the Book of 5 Rings.

That very state had become an opportunity to rise above...

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