

Your Life is a Mythical Story


I believe that life is a mythical story. It isn’t, of course, if you spend your time watching TV and eating potato chips.

But as soon as you ask yourself the question why am I here?, something changes. Your mythical journey begins. Whether you want it to or not.

Our society has many myths ready for us to subscribe to:

MYTH 1: Climb the career ladder, achieve, be respected, be powerful, pile up lots of money in your bank account and you’ll be… a success.

MYTH 2: Love, really love, hold hands, kiss in the rain, exchange rings, cradle your baby, see her grow and you’ll be… a success.

MYTH 3: Strive for flashing lights, see your face on magazine covers, be known, where is your fur or diamond ring, rise higher, almost to become a demigod, and you’ll be… a success.

MYTH 4: Combine the three  above and you’ll be… a success.

MYTH 5: .?.

There are many more narratives. What’s your myth? What story are you living out?...

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